The Club is composed of founding, active members, associated members, honorary and sympathizing members.

Active Member

The main characteristic for admission as an Active Member is to be of legal age (18 years old) and owner of at least a Lamborghini car.
The status of Active Member implies compliance with the obligations and conditions set out in the current Statute. Any Active Member who no longer complies with these conditions shall remain an Active Member until the end of the current calendar year.
Active Members must attend the Assemblies (General, Ordinary, Extraordinary) and have the right to vote.

Associated Member

Associate membership status is reserved for former Active Members who no longer satisfy the conditions for active membership. Associate members may attend the Assemblies as observers, without voting rights.

Honorary Member

The status of Honorary Member is reserved for persons who have rendered specific services to the Club and who contribute to its development. It is conferred and/or revoked at the discretion of the President. The Honorary Member may attend Assemblies as an observer, without voting rights.

Sympathising Member

The status of Sympathising Member is reserved for any natural or legal person wishing to support the Club’s actions. Sympathising Members may attend General Assembly as observers, without the right to vote.


The Club is composed of founding, active members, associated members, honorary and sympathizing members.

The main characteristic for admission as an Active Member is to be of legal age (18 years old) and owner of at least a Lamborghini car.
The status of Active Member implies compliance with the obligations and conditions set out in the current Statute. Any Active Member who no longer complies with these conditions shall remain an Active Member until the end of the current calendar year.
Active Members must attend the Assemblies (General, Ordinary, Extraordinary) and have the right to vote.

Associate membership status is reserved for former Active Members who no longer satisfy the conditions for active membership. Associate members may attend the Assemblies as observers, without voting rights.

The status of Honorary Member is reserved for persons who have rendered specific services to the Club and who contribute to its development. It is conferred and/or revoked at the discretion of the President. The Honorary Member may attend Assemblies as an observer, without voting rights.

The status of Sympathising Member is reserved for any natural or legal person wishing to support the Club’s actions. Sympathising Members may attend General Assembly as observers, without the right to vote.


The General Assembly elects the members of the Board of Directors. It meets at least once a year, during the first quarter. It approves the financial statements for the closed year and votes on the budget for the following financial year. It proceeds to the allocation of any surplus income, which in no case may be distributed among the Members of the Club. Proposals and requests for action sent in writing to the President at least eight days before the General Assembly meeting are included in the Agenda of the Assembly, which expresses its sovereign opinion on them. In order to deliberate validly, the General Assembly must be composed of at least half of the Club’s Members. Only Active Members have the right to vote. Extraordinary General Assemblies may be held at the convocation of the Board of Directors or at the request of half plus one of the Active Members of the Club.


The General Assembly elects the members of the Board of Directors. It meets at least once a year, during the first quarter. It approves the financial statements for the closed year and votes on the budget for the following financial year. It proceeds to the allocation of any surplus income, which in no case may be distributed among the Members of the Club. Proposals and requests for action sent in writing to the President at least eight days before the General Assembly meeting are included in the Agenda of the Assembly, which expresses its sovereign opinion on them. In order to deliberate validly, the General Assembly must be composed of at least half of the Club’s Members. Only Active Members have the right to vote. Extraordinary General Assemblies may be held at the convocation of the Board of Directors or at the request of half plus one of the Active Members of the Club.


All those who meet the requirements set out in the Statutes may apply for membership of Lamborghini Club Monaco. You can submit your new application for membership of Lamborghini Club Monaco.
1. by requesting the elegant personal paper dossier to be sent to you by express mail service
2. by filling out the online form Annual membership of the Lamborghini Club Monaco is valid for the entire calendar year from 1st January to 31st December.


All those who meet the requirements set out in the Statutes may apply for membership of Lamborghini Club Monaco. You can submit your new application for membership of Lamborghini Club Monaco.
1. by requesting the elegant personal paper dossier to be sent to you by express mail service
2. by filling out the online form Annual membership of the Lamborghini Club Monaco is valid for the entire calendar year from 1st January to 31st December.


• 10% discount on participation in selected exclusive events;
• Exclusive conventions in Resorts, Hotels, Restaurants, Boutiques and SPAs in the Principality of Monaco.
• Special Conventions in International Cities, Lamborghini Club Monaco friendly, at facilities and organizations in the luxury lifestyle world.
• High-profile newsletters with exclusive previews and information, directly from the Lamborghini Club Monaco universe.
• Personalised benefits Extraordinary digital benefits will be reserved for you when you register on our website.


• 10% discount on participation in selected exclusive events;
• Exclusive conventions in Resorts, Hotels, Restaurants, Boutiques and SPAs in the Principality of Monaco.
• Special Conventions in International Cities, Lamborghini Club Monaco friendly, at facilities and organizations in the luxury lifestyle world.
• High-profile newsletters with exclusive previews and information, directly from the Lamborghini Club Monaco universe.
• Personalised benefits Extraordinary digital benefits will be reserved for you when you register on our website.



Contact us and request the form to apply for membership in the Lamborghini Club Monaco.

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